Our Business



    •  Supply chain
Transparency throughout the supply chain is important in order to maintain control over the effects of measures over the life cycle of the product. This is because the majority of the environmental impact occurs along the supply chain: during raw material extraction, processing, packaging and transport, down to disposal.

    •  Aluminum
For us as a manufacturer of light alloy wheels, aluminum is one of our most important resources. The production of primary aluminum is an energy-intensive process that has an impact on the environment: At around 72%, aluminum accounts for the most relevant share of our carbon footprint.

To do our part for the environment, we already source almost 100% of our aluminum from members of the “Aluminium Steward Initiative” (ASI). In addition, 65% of our purchased aluminum is produced with certified renewable energy.

The RONAL GROUP has been a member of ASI as a Downstream Supporter since 2018, as an Industrial User since September 2020 and ASI Performance Standard certified since September 2022. ASI, the global non-profit standards setting and certification organization, brings together ethical, ecological and social aspects along the entire value chain.

    •  Energy
Other significant sources of emissions, accounting for 20% of the total balance, are electricity consumption and gas consumption for process heat. For this reason, we focus on purchasing renewable electricity with a certificate of origin or, where possible, producing electricity in-house with photovoltaic systems or combined heat and power plants.

The share of electricity from renewable sources is currently around 30%. We already rely 100% on green electricity in four countries, some of which is produced by our own photovoltaic systems.